jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014


Unidades I-II: Hábitos de Estudio; Gustos, Preferencias; Actividades en forma Progresiva:
(A)   Hábitos de Estudio y Rutinas Diarias.
(B)    Adverbios de Frecuencia.
(C)   Presente Simple.
(D)   Presente Continuo-Progresivo.
(E)    Expresiones de Tiempo.
Unidades III-IV: Pasado Simple y Pasado Progresivo; Predicciones y Planes para el Futuro:
(A)   Pasado Simple y Pasado Progresivo.
(B)   To Be en pasado.
(C)   Verbos Regulares e Irregulares.
(D)   Futuro Simple.
(E)    Futuro Be Going To.
(F)    Adverbios de Cantidad.
Unidades V-VI: Características Personales y Profesionales; Fuentes de Información:
(A)   Grados Comparativos y Superlativos.
(B)   Vocabulario referente a Profesiones y a Características Personales.
(C)   Verbos Modales: Can, May, Could, Would, Should, Ought to, Must
(D)   Vocabulario sobre Medios de Comunicación.
(E)    Expresiones para Pedir Permiso y Hacer Recomendaciones.
       Unidades VII-VIII: Actividades realizadas recientemente en el Pasado; Actividades que se han realizado Progresivamente. 
(A)   Presente Perfecto.
(B)   Verbos en Participio Pasado.
(C)   Presente Perfecto Continuo-Progresivo.

636 comentarios:

  1. Hello, class! Welcome to English I; in few weeks I will show you the activities you have to do. Blessings!

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. hi Teacher, My name is Vanessa Camacho C.I V- 20.425.429, good would that individual activities are performed,and Working with research examples of each! Thank you!!

    3. Good day. teacher FREDDY. where do I find THE FIRST VIDEO OF ACTIVITY. Thank you

    4. good night, teacher I'm laura cárdenas my I.C. 18420771 student english my email is laucar1088@hotmail.com please can you send me the video? thanks!

  2. You can give me your opinion about the type of activities you would like to get here. I recomend you write in English because EVERYTHING will be evaluated.

  3. Good Nigth Teacher, My name is Jose Sanchez C.I 10.740.838

  4. Hi, José; what kind of activities would you like to have??

  5. Good afternoon teacher, good would that individual activities are performed. Thank you! Williams Gonzalez
    C.I 13,145,252

  6. good afternoon my name is Laura professor Franceschy CI 17,109,702 will attend English I and III, I would like to make evaluations as well as simple to be learning many more. Happy day and thanks

  7. profresor will have any email for better communication. I get to blog much cost sorry my email is happy afternoon laurafranceschy@gmail.com thanks

    1. What do you mean with 'cost', Laura? Is it difficult for you to use the blog??

  8. buenas tardes profesor mi nombre es cris omaña quisiera saber si se puede hacer en grupo y de cuantos integrantes mil gracias mi correo es maryarethsanchez@hotmail.com

    1. Hi, Cris; you have to write in English as well, and all the activities will be individual.

    2. disculpe profesor pero crei que solo por preguntar no era necesario mil gracias y disculpe feliz noche

  9. Buenos días profesor mi nombre es servio ochoa 18393718 alumno a distancia

  10. I will wait for all your commentaries during this week; the following one, I will assign the first activity.. And REMEMBER TO WRITE IN ENGLISH...

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. hello, good day teacher, I ana suarez CI: 1521866 I would like to evaluate using simple dialogues or workshops. thanks my email is anasuarez_13@hotmail.com

  14. Professor Good morning, my name is Francisco Gamez, my email is fgamez@unet.edu.ve, I would like to know what the assessments and deadlines delivery schedule.

    Thank you.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. hello my name is Professor Trinidad v18792279 Cedeño, I wonder about the activities to make English one thanks my email is sher180@hotmail.com

    1. Hello, Trinidad; you have to talk with Professor Hector for you don't appear in my roster...

  17. hello my name is Professor ovalles genesis v-19820186, I would like to know about the activities undertaken English one my email is genesisovalles19@gmail.com

  18. good afternoon teacher'm maria Ramires CI: 15927102 of preschool education weekend, I would like to evaluate workshops or through simple questions and answers, thanks my email is mayorama_2202@hotmail.com

  19. Professor good evening my name is Dary Useche i would like to know how will be the form of evaluation with respect to its subject matter, my mail is dary_yusbel@hotmail.com . many thanks

  20. Professor Good afternoon, my name is Gladys Contreras, my email is gladyssierra12@gmail.com, please, what activities are to be performed. Thank you.

  21. hola.. profesor como esta mi nombre es DEISY YSAMAR SANCHEZ GONZALEZ CI:20.123.770 voy a cursar INGLES I es para saber cual es la primera actividad asignada mi correo es deisy_gonsalez@hotmail.com

  22. 100 % of your activities will be done here, in this Blog...

  23. good morning my name is enzo perez student management and marketing information I request to see how it will make matter 1 assessed the English My email enzo_tonner@hotmail.com await your response.

  24. hello .. my name is DEISY Ysamar GONZALEZ SANCHEZ CI: 20123770 ENGLISH I will pursue is to know which is the first activity my email is assigned deisy_gonsalez@hotmail.com

  25. buen dia profesor mi nombre Darfi Cardenas C.I 16.612.483 alumna a distancia ingles I darficardenas@gmail.com

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.



    I think that would be good for evaluacine units:

    Unit I. research work with all the concepts and an example of Study Habits and Daily Routines one (obvious in Inglés)

    Unit II and III: Working with research examples of each

    Unit IV: Perform exercises taxes for you (workshop type activity). obviously sending a previous material to go to practice;)

    please provide your tel number and can find inwhichthe day weekends in univ for any questions or any other aspect of the matter

    Thank you !!!!


    considero que las evaluacine seria bueno que para las unidades:

    Unidad I. un trabajo de investigacion con todos los conceptos y un ejemplo de los Hábitos de Estudio y Rutinas Diarias de uno (obvio en english)

    unidad II y III: Trabajo de investigacion con ejemplos de cada uno

    unidad IV: Realizar ejercicios impuestos por Ud (actividad tipo taller). obviamente con el envio de un material previo para ir practicando ;)

    por favor aportar su numero de tlf y los dias enque se pueda hallar los fines de semana en la univ para cualquier pregunta u otro aspecto de la materia


    "nota en español para mayor facilidad y aprobacion de compañeros"

  30. Professor goodnight greetings. My name is Jairo Enrique Lozada Ballesteros, C.I 12226547 my subject is English one. They seem well assessments work through this platform.

  31. Hello Good morning Professor Freddy was away and I had not communicated with you, I'm a student of English and I want salber if already assigned some activity on meteria.


    Anaya Velasco Jhon Peter

  32. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  33. buen dia profesor mi nombre es leidy ramirez ci:16981997, mi correo leidy2485@hotmail.com y mi pregunta es: cual e sla primera actividad ya vi el contenido pero no se que se debe hacer

  34. You have to write about the activities you'd like to develop here...

  35. Hi everyone and teacher Freddy, i would like to see videos about the activities theme and write something about it or answer questions of it. See you!.

    Inglish I
    Att Maria Casanova Rubio

  36. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  37. hello teacher, my name is Andrea Duque my I..D. 17.502.404. I like to do about different chapters the following things:

    Unit I-II : According to habbits, like to, preffers, and so on. I preffer to beging with simple sentences and previous knowleges about each one to improve most of them. Maybe with short readings, crosswords, matches, and why not interactives activities liike videos and web games. About the third and fouurth unit would be interesting to get some excercises activities to put on the right word, how to make short and complete answer and questions. Why not make some woorksheets in couple, according the regular and irregular verbs would be important to practice them a lot with some sentences respecting our enviroment to improve it. Unit five and six I preffer to practice a lot about proffesion and how to apply the correct word to each sentences with may, can, and so on. Its important to say that each unit is necesary to learn thiss second languaje

  38. Morning, class! Remember that everything you write here will be evaluated... The next Sunday I will give you the first activity... Have a nice weekend!

  39. hello .. my name is Aglair de la Consolacion Celis Barrios CI: 19.234.091 ENGLISH I will pursue is to know which is the first activity my email is assigned flak_celis@hotmail.com

  40. Good afternoon Professor Freddy have been attentive to the page awaiting instructions but so far I have no information English assignments I have read each of the comments of my colleagues but I think that even this is not assigned no activity, I'm waiting for it, would know much thank you to answer me because I'm worried about this matter,

    Jhon Peter Anaya Velasco

    Thank you ......

    1. Hi, Jhon; you have to watch the video about Present Simple and Present Cpntinuous, and then comment about it... The link is posted in my commentary of done 24 de agosto de 2014, 5:36

  41. hello my name is Professor Servio Ochoav18393718, I wonder about the activities to make English one thanks my email is oservioo@hotmail.com

  42. know more about us do such a curriculum


  44. good morning my name is lucy CI andrade 17497550

    1. Hello, Lucy; this is English I, and you are part of English III...

  45. good morning teacher I'm the kind of English is yenide peñaloza rosemary CI 18991000 I would like the class to preschoolers imparted as songs teach the figures ie dynamic colors to learn the English

    1. Hi, Yennide... This is English I and you are part of English III...

  46. hello my name is Professor mirle marquez cedula number 17368204, from my point of view I would like this matter to be interactive, understandable, so that can be applied in preschool graccias ...

    1. Hello, Mirle; you are part of English III, and this is English I...

  47. good morning my name is Professor soskary useche 20425305 my identity card, I want the matter to be understandable so that we can amplicar with children in the classroom many graccias

    1. Hi, Soskary; you are part of English III, and this is English I...

  48. Good morning I am student teacher class B English Dayana stop Maryin CI: 17,107,600, I would like to be the kind of English concerning preschool education "vocal numbers colors etc ... !! happy thanksgiving day.: !

    1. Hi, Dayana... This is English I, and you are part of English III...

  49. good morning freddy teacher, hereby I am writing to inform you that I am alumnna this medium, my names danielle Caceres alexandra meza with writ of number identity v 19.360068, I think that the classes are so significant that they can be applied to preschool.

    1. Morning, Daniela; you have to write at English III... This is English I...

  50. freddy good morning teacher, I am a student of English III subject, my names yajaira casanova milena cedula de cardenas with number 17810462 v identity, I would like the class is imparted to the mode more at the level of preschool boy and girl to implement it in public places as this matter not only given if no private thanks.

  51. godd morning my name is andreina sayago ci 16.982563 I hope that is understandable and we can apply it in daily life

  52. Professor good afternoon, my name is JESUS ​​DAVID CAICEDO CAMPERS. CIN ° 15037791, student of English I at a distance, I would like to know how will be the evaluation system thanks

  53. Morning, guys! As first activity you are going to watch this Cambridge University video, and then you will comment about what this video talks about. Please write in English. The links is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqdToylBDg

    1. ok teacher! and even when there is time to discuss?

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. I will evaluate all the activities on September 28th, so you have chace to develop them til the day before...

    4. Good morning teacher, my name is Rossana Vivas CI 20,122,492. I do not understand the comment, how September 28 can be answered activities?

    5. Hi, Rossana; you have to talk with Professor Hector because you don't appear in my rosters...

    6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  54. hello teacher I belkys Castaneda beatriz my cedula number is 10173038 English course I thank you please integrate the ready to take the subject thanks to chance when sending video response thank you assign us

    1. That's o.k., Belkys; blessings!!

    2. Belkys! Good morning; you have to talk with Professor Hector for you don't appear in my English rosters...

    3. ok did not know Professor 02-09 on Tuesday, I talk to the apology and replied that there was that I had no internet thanks

  55. hi Teacher, My name is Vanessa Camacho C.I V- 20.425.429, even when there is time to discuss the video?

  56. The video gives a number of examples of the present simple and present continuous, and their differences but sometimes their differentiation is not possible, as is the case with this prayer: how do you feel now? and how are you feeling now? in which there is no differentiation in translation.

  57. Good afternoon my name is Professor Yuleima del Carmen Perez, V. CI-20060024, trainee in English I would like to know how the activities will be sent to the respective assessments. My email is yuleima_1308@hotmail.com. Thanking his greatest collaboration

    1. Welcom to English III, Yuleima; you have to watch the video I posted here, and then comment about it...

  58. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  59. Good Night Teacher, My name is KIMBERLY SARMIENTO C.I 19,234,351. English I student distance

  60. TEACHER GOOD NIGHT, IS cheyla CASIQUE C. I. 13,302,830, STUDENT OF ENGLISH I, MY MAIL IS yamery0309@hotmail.com, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT ACTIVITIES TO TAKE. Thank you

    1. Hello, Cheyla; you have to read my commentaries to know what to do. Watch the video and comment it; thanks.

  61. Good evening(night) professor, my name is Xiomara Elizabeth Useche Isidro C.I 10.174.961 relations industrials hourly sabatino, my mail is xielusis@hotmail.com it me can informr which there are the activities to realize. Thanks. .

  62. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  63. hello teacher, the video is sent to one or three English?

  64. good evening I would like to conduct teacher workshops and a good work ..seria you decided to do group work ... happy night thanks

  65. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    1. You have to watch the video about Simple Present and Present Continuous...

  67. hello teacher, the video is sent to one or three English?

    1. You have to watch the video about Simple Present and Present Continuous...



    1. hellow teacher my name is jessi sanchez student of english I, my email is: jessivans21@gmail.com... is simple, the video is about the continuous and present simple, the way they formulated their differences and even teaches us to express ourselves in the right way. The simple present is used to indicate the actions that occur but not necessarily at the time spoken for example: I go to the park whit my friends.
      Moreover the present continuous tense is to indicate an action that is happening at the time spoken of for example: the mechanic is fixing my car

  70. good morning cordial greetings, my name is jackson santos ci 15672020 English I College student Alonso de Ojeda, the way I would like the serious evaluations via more easy and comfortable work thanks

  71. please what are the activities and directions to continue the matter by neceasito be current to continue my university project

  72. good afternoon have been attentive to all directions translating to understand and carry out the activities which is the video to be commented thanks

  73. video activity related to English Grammar in Use: Present Simple and Continuous presente.la ana teacher is giving us a brief explanation about the topic under study, which provides college students the expressive forms of the present simple and continuous, English grammar in use: past simple, present simple, present continuous verb, very essential to study and speak, just as there are other expressions related to these videos, they are explained by other tutors .The grammar is the study of the rules and principles governing the use of language and the organization of words in a few sentences and other syntactic constituents. It is also the name given to set of rules and principles that govern the use of a specific particular language; thus, each language has its own grammar.

    Grammar is the general study of language called linguistics.
    Jackson Santos student

  74. pofesor good nights freddy am student of English IA Distance haydee.quintero01@ gmail.com CAREFULLY MY MAIL ANY assigned activity haydee quintero 15242490

  75. Goodnight greets Professor Jairo Lozada English I ci 12226547 video discusses the comparison of the Present Simple and Present Continuous. The simple present is often used to refer to actions that took place at a particular time in the past and the past continuous to talk about an action is not completed in the past or a point to talk about two things one being longer than the other which interrupts action anterior.Los types of sentences are grammatical resources that are constantly used, we use to indicate that an action depends on another and also to discuss real or unreal situations. Grammatical analysis simple variation of this continuous present forms arises. Finally, the study contributes to the literature a new perspective on the subject to show that this simple and continuous variation forms appear in a number of different contexts to those previously identified in other studies, which allows to properly define the scope of variation.

  76. Good afternoon Professor Freddy the video is about the present simple and present continuous likewise shows different examples of these issues.
    The Present Continuous is a verb tense is used to express actions happening at the same time they are talking, for example, I am speaking English
    The simple present is tense is used to describe habitual actions that happen frequently and makes no reference to whether it is happening at the present time, for example I play tennis.
    Atte. Dary Useche CIV- 18,845,839 dary_yusbel@hotmail.com

  77. the video related to English Grammar in Use: Present Simple and Continuous presente.la ana teacher is giving us a brief explanation about the topic under study, which provides college students the expressive forms of the present simple and continuous,The simple present is often used to refer to actions that took place at a particular time in the past and the past continuous to talk about an action is not completed in the past or a point to talk about two things one being longer than the other which interrupts action anterior.Los types of sentences are grammatical resources that are constantly used, we use to indicate that an action depends on another and also to discuss real or unreal situations. Grammatical analysis simple variation of this continuous present forms arises. Sayago Yaluz Andreina 16.982.563

  78. Hello there: you have to join this blog with your first name and your first surname... Thanks...

  79. goodnight teacher appreciation this is my The video gives a number of examples of the present simple and present continuous, and their differences but sometimes their differentiation is not possible, as is the case with this prayer: how do you feel now? and how are you feeling now? in which there is no differentiation in translation.

  80. the video is also called the continuous present progressive tense is used to express actions happening at the same time they are talking about and this is simply to conjugate inifinitivo use the simple present to the subject "I", "you "," we "and" they "and another for" he "," she "and" it ", added a" -s "at the end of some verbs verbo.y in which we teach how to express correctly where Anna now will be looking at some of the different ways we use, for example, they are eating is raining and so on, however, some verbs like know and like are not normally used in this mode do not say I know or liking to me like we say Here are some verbs that are not normally used in the present continuo..anna speaks of several examples, looking very happy at the moment think the verb can be used with the present continuous or present simple but the meaning reflection that makes the difference, for example, say this room smells going to open a window not say this room is smelling too often use words like, you can hear a strange noise can be heard.
    For verbs see and feel that you can use the simple present or present continuous

  81. good morning teacher, I've checked and I see that you have assigned the first active, or good if not already sent and I have not seen or do not get it, appreciate your help and explanation .. thank you very much and happy day

    C.I 17.502.404
    MAIL: andreaduque508@gmail.com

    1. Hi, Andrea; I posted a video in commentary of date 24 de agosto de 2014, 5:36; you have to comment it, ok?


    1. Goodnight my teacher is nombe Marioly CI Medina V-10162601 I enter the blog on August 18 and made the comment about the type of activities that he wished that I hciieran English today that revenue in order to match the activdad not visualized my comment em bo really happened.

    2. You have to watch the video about Simple Present and Present Continuous...

  83. Good morning, Professor Freddy appreciate your support and I am confused with the activities yesterday opened the page and had to review and comment on a video about cognates, today I am seeing that there is another video of the University of Cambridge, sorry to say there are two .?
    Waiting for your comments.
    Thank you.

    jose sanchez

    1. Hi, José, you have to watch the video I posted here on August 24th; then you have to comment it...

  84. hello my name is Maholy Abril Gamez V-19.236.562, I would like to know about the activities undertaken English one my email is abrilgamezmaholy@gmail.com

    1. Hi, Maholy, you have to watch the video I posted here on August 24th; then you have to comment it...

    2. good afternoon greetings recommended teacher, and di video response thanks

  85. This video is important for the persons that they are beginning to learn the present continuous and present simple. For example, I didn't know that some verbs are not normally use in the present continuous like: want, like, need, know, prefer, etc. This tips help us to understand and improve our learning. Cheyla Yamery Casique C.I. 13.302.830

  86. Hello professor Freddy, I hope you are fine and that i still in time for all the homework. I'm Luz Guerrero C.I.: 13505925. do i have to write the email adress?
    The video it's a difficult to understand because of how she speaks. the grammar teach us how the present continuous is used and it says that there are a few exceptions. We learn that when you are talking about the senses they are in present continuous.
    you use present continuous when something started and it hasn't finished.
    the other is used for present too but it's easier.
    present continuous: i am writing, present simple: i write

  87. Hi there. Professor turns to you Deisy Ysamar Sánchez González CI: 20,123,770 subject to pursue ENGLISH I
    Regarding the video, the comparison between the present continuous and present simple explained. That is the present continuous is a verb tense used to express actions happening at the same time they are talking, while the simple present tense is a verb tense used to describe actions that occur frequently and does not refer to what is happening in the present moment, watching a series of sentences indicating each time.
    For example:
    The water is boiling? (present continuous).
    Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (present simple).

  88. Good afternoon teacher. My name is Yadis Sanchez I.D. 13761996
    English I

    The video explained how use the continuous present and the simple present tense, we can say that the present continuous is used when referring to a past event that still occurs, for example, she is eating, he is running, and it’s raining.
    The simple present is used for the actions that happens frequently and does not imply that this happening at the current time. Example: "I run every morning". "she eat a lot before sleep".
    There are some verbs that do not allow the present continuous, such as: know, like, want, need, prefer, its use is not grammatically correct, you do not say, "I am knowing that is dangerous"
    By contrast, verbs like "think", allow use in both ways, depending of their meaning; to give an opinion about something in simple present tense , "I think that this way works better." Now if we talk about something that is happening we can say "Anna is thinking that she feel bad".
    When we are talking about things that happen repeatedly, we must use the present simple, for example, lately I feel happy in the morning; otherwise, it would be incorrect to say: Lately I'm feeling happy in the mornings.

    1. Hello teacher, I am in your English class I, my name is yadis sanchez my identity card 13761996 pending activities. Sorry is that I wrote in English III Blog

    2. teacher was yesterday that I found out the procedure to enter the kind of English I, cost me a bit like to post on the blog but I'm there. evaluation form I would like to translations and in this way learn more. my email blindeysanchez@hotmail.com

    3. Don't worry, Yadis, that's ok...

  89. Good Afternoon profesor m; with regard to the video; this is the comparison between the present continuous and this simple; where the present continuous is a tense of the verb used to express the different actions that happen at the same moment that we are talking about; while the simple present is a tense of the verb that is used to describe actions that are performed frequently and does not relate to what is ocrriendo at the time.
    Example: The soup is hot? (This Continuio) and the soup boils at 200 degrees Fº (Simple Present)
    Thank You.

    Aglair Celis Barrios
    C.I. V. 19.234.091

  90. Good afternoon teacher'm her student English I still have not received any activity and I would like to know what the means or how you will assess students, I appreciate all the information that can facilitate me so we can move forward with this area and I'm about to graduate for being the first promotion and this subject has me worried about not knowing much English, I appreciate all the receptivity to this, professor greetings

    Anaya Velasco Jhon Peter

  91. hello teacher I tried to watch the video link which refers ud but can not find, what I see is that it says this comment has been removed by the author, which then is not the video I do.

    greetings professor

    Jhos Peter Anaya Velasco

    1. Hi, Jhon; The link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqdToylBDg...

  92. Good Afternoon teacher, my name is Yeny Calderon and i don't have an account to do my comment. my email is: yenycalderon1@hotmail.com

    well, on my notion i think that, this video was made to give us a concept about the present simple and the present continous. about how we can use those inscriptions of the best way. when we are talking about the present simple means, just an action that we do that action. For example:

    -We study at Uniojeda
    -I eat cookies.

    but if, We are talkink about the present continous is more different than the present simple, because we are specifying the moment when we enforce the action, using the verb to be; for example:

    -We are studying at Uniojeda
    -I am eating cookies.

    Remembering, just somes verbs have an exception, or an especial case.

    By: Yeny Calderon C.I V-14.349.712.

    Thank You!

  93. The video is the way we use the present simple and the present continuous and the correct way we express ourselves. The simple present tense is used to describe habitual actions that happen frequently and makes no reference to whether it is happening at present .; the present continuous expresses that something is happening right now and say that something is going on for a limited time.
    My name is Maria Bustamante v-19664030 my address is mdbusta@hotmail.com

  94. Hello I'm Professor Jhon Peter Anaya Velasco

    Is not not get, sorry

    You can see a video where several examples of the present continuous and present simple given, even ilastraciones to make it easier, so I can be summarized as follows:

    This Simple in English

    The simple present tense is used to indicate actions that are habitual or actions occurring but not necessarily when it is spoken. For example:

    I go shopping with my friends - I'm going shopping with my friends (That means I'm with them regularly or occasionally, not necessarily right now)
    He reads to the children - He reads to children
    She stops in front of the school - She stops in front of the school

    The Present Continuous in English

    The present continuous tense is to indicate an action that is happening at the moment it is spoken. It is quite similar to, for example, 'eating', 'walking', 'saying', etc. In colloquial English it means something will happen very soon. Let us see some examples:

    I am studying for my exam - I'm studying for my exam
    I am cleaning the house - I'm cleaning the house
    Robert is driving to the supermarket - Robert are driving to the supermarket
    The mechanic is fixing our car - The mechanic is fixing our car

    Difference between the Present Simple and Present Continuous

    Note the difference between the present simple and the present continuous in English. Spanish speakers often get confused between these two tenses.

    1 Simple Present:
    I take my mother to the hospital - I've been to the hospital my mom (I carry when required, may be from time to time, weekly, monthly, occasionally, etc, but not necessarily right now)

    2 Present continuous:

    I am taking my mother to the hospital - I'm taking my mom to the hospital (I do it now or soon)

  95. This video talks about the correct use between the Present Simple and Present Continous.

    The Present Continous is used for actions and happening that have stared but not finished, however there are some exceptions that there aren't common use this way, for example: like, want... The Present Simple is used when you are talking about things that happen repeatedly, for example: I usually feel tired in the morning.

  96. Good afternoon techer. My name is Cristina Carrero, CI V.-17.932.236.

    With respect to Video seen, I can say that it has been very interesting as we learn the use of some verbs, either in "Present Continuous" or "Present Simple". For example, the Verb "Think" can be used in "Present Simple" or "Present Continuous" depending on the meaning to be given. It also explains that some verbs, such as, See, Hear, Smell, Taste ... should not be used in "Present Continuous" because they are not add the "ing" at the end of the word. It has been very good for me to learn about these differences.

    Thank you very much.

  97. Good Nigth! I am Yenifer Landazabal Amaya ID. V-16.124.824 i am student about English I and III, Teacher please send me the guideline to follow of here to my email yeniferlandazabalamaya@gmail.com thank you.

    1. You have to watch this video: The links is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqdToylBDg... Then have to comment it... Do the same with the video I posted for English III---

  98. Hi teacher, my name is Vanessa Camacho C.I V-20.425.429, With respect to Video:


    Some of the different ways we use the present continuous and the present simple.
    We use the present continuous,also called the progressive, for actions and happening that have started but not finished.

    For example
    They are eating, - It is raining, and so on.
    However, some verbs, such as know and like, are not normally used in this way
    we don't say, I am knowing or they are liking; we say I know and I like.

    Some verbs that are not normally used in the present continuous: like, want, need, prefer, know, realise, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, fit, contain, consistand, seem.
    We say,
    I'm hungry. I want something to eat. - We don't say, I am wanting something to eat.
    Or, we say,
    Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment.
    We don't say,…Anna isn't seeming very happy at the moment.

    The verb think
    can be used with the present continuous or the present simple, but it's the meaning of think that makes the difference.
    For example: when think means believe or have an opinion, we do not use the continuous. We say:
    I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure.or we say, what do you think of my plan? which means, what is your opinion? But, when think means consider, the continuous is possible.
    For example
    Anna is thinking of giving up her job. which means, she's considering it. for the verbs see, hear, smell and taste, we normally use the present simple and not the present continuous.
    For example
    we say: This room smells. Let's open a window. We don't say This room is smelling. we also often use can with see, hear,smell and taste.
    For example
    I can hear a strange noise. Can you hear it?.

    For the verbs look and feel, we can use the present simple or the present continuous, to say how somebody looks or feels now.

    For example,we say, You look well today, but we also say, You are looking well today.
    We say, How do you feel now? but we also say, How are you feeling now?'

    But, if you're talking about things that happen repeatedly, use the present simple .For example
    I usually feel tired in the morning. We don't say I'm usually feeling tired in the morning.


    1. Good night teacher, I’m Williams Gonzàlez. CI 13.145.252.
      The video is about of the present continuous and present simple (I am going and I do).
      When you used the present continuous or present progressing that actions or types express the idea that something is happening now. The verbs that we can’t conjugate in the present continuous are: like, want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, fit, contain, consist and seem.
      The both thinks can use in the present continuous or the present simple, but of the meaning make the different. When we need use believe or have an opinion, we don’t use the continuous. But when you consider something you can’t use. When we use see, smell, taste and hear we normally use the present simple and not the present continuous. For look and feel we can use present simple or the present continuous. But if we use the types repetitive we can use the present simple.

  99. Professor Freddy good night, my name is Gerson Nieto C.I: 12974490 my email is gersonnieto3@gmail.com, please, what activities are to be performed. thank you. management and marketing english I.

    1. You have to watch this video: The links is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqdToylBDg...Next, comment it...

  100. in the video is about a grammar explamations of uses present simple and continuos, there are differents verbs that form the present simple and continuos. verbs that present simple is form with gerund and verbs that not at present continuos

  101. Good evening(night) teacher, I am Crispulo Colmenares C.I: 10.179.176, pupil of the UNIOJEDA, Sabatino, Management(Post of manager) and Marketing, wanted to greet it and know the activity for the evaluations.

  102. Good Night, Teacher.
    Video Reviewed by Anna talks about the present continuous and present simple, present continuous where is performed to discuss actions that are occurring at the time we spoke in Spanish the verb endings are "Ando and Endo" and English is "Ing", just as he used to talk about actions that are happening around the time we spoke, but at that moment, as well as to discuss decisions we have taken in the past and will be given to place in the future.

    On the other hand the present simple is used to talk about things that always happen, repeated, and they are always true no matter the time, also when using the "He, She, It" the verb is added a "S".

    Jose Sanchez

  103. regarding the video my comment on this is very important to know the continuous verbs simple present verb think single or continuous present all depends on what we mean, just as verbs hear, taste not present continuous is used so it should not be add ing to the end, thanks for your help with the video very good
    SOLVEY VELANDIA C.I: 15501243

  104. Professor goodnight after seeing the video I can narrow that it basically refers to the English grammar, the professor Ana at various examples makes us a compilation about verbs; indicates the expressive forms of the same in past, present simple and present continuous, here it is expressed and the correct way to combine them is educated, most importantly to my point of view is that the video reveals the type of pronunciation professor uses which is quite fluid and can even make pronunciation exercises.

  105. Professor Goodnight, my name is Jesus Alberto Sutherland, and achieves enter the blog, I hope to bring to fruition their stuff. thank you

  106. teacher, respect as I would like to be evaluated according to the units made ​​by ud, my opinion is that send exercises to solve and then post them on the blog, just as through work with exercises and examples from everyday life. thank you

  107. teacher:
    the video: the present continuous and present simple, present continuous where is performed to discuss actions that are occurring at the time we spoke in Spanish the verb endings are "Ando and Endo" and English is "Ing", just as he used to talk about actions that are happening around the time we spoke, but at that moment, as well as to discuss decisions we have taken in the past and will be given to place in the future.

  108. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  109. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  110. Name: Crispulo Colmenares
    CI: 10.179.176
    The video is about of the present continuous and present simple. When we used the present continuous that actions or types express the idea that something is happening now. For example: I’m playing, we are eat, she is singling. We can’t conjugate many verbs: like, want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, fit, contain, consist and seem. For example: I want pizza – NOT: I wanting pizza. The both way can use in the present continuous or the present simple, but of the meaning make the different. When we need use believe or have an opinion, we don’t use the continuous. But when you consider something you can’t use.When we use see, smell, taste and hear we normally use the present simple and not the present continuous.

  111. Watching the video we get a clear view of the application of simple and continuous, we note that its use is marked by time and action being performed, it is clear that both show visions of different actions, it is vital the correct use of verb at the right time, previous research presents a short series of example show us the ways, times and actions that occur with the use of both the Present Simple and the Present Continuous, and this is my interpretation of the video submitted by you.

    PRESENT SIMPLE is used in the following situations:

    1.- To say that something does regularly or not, habits, routines, schedules, not once timely, if not, as is generally something for a while.
    • Siempre vamos al gimnasio los viernes.
    • Always go to the gym on Friday.
    • Él nunca estudia.
    • He never studies.
    • El avión sale a las 5 de la tarde.

    2.- To express facts, "truths", data:
    • Mis ojos son azules.
    • My eyes are blue.
    • Ella es empresaria.
    • She is a businesswoman.
    • Hace un buen día.
    • It is a nice day.
    • La tierra gira alrededor del sol.
    • The revoves Earth around the sun.

    PRESENT CONTINUOUS is used in the following situations:

    1.- To express when you are doing something in a given in the present moment:
    • Están hablando de la reunión.
    • They are talking about the meeting.
    • Las ventas están subiendo ligeramente.
    • Sales are rising slightly.

    2.- To express a future plan will happen in a timely manner.
    • Esta noche vamos a una cena de negocios.
    • Tonight we are going to a business dinner.
    • El mes que viene, la compañía contratará dos administrativos.
    • Next month the company is hiring two office workers.
    I hope my interpretation is to your liking.

    Francisco Javier Gamez.
    C. I. 12972136
    Email: fgamez@unet.edu.ve
    Mention Administration Industrial Relations

  112. Referring to the video that is on the Web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjqdToylBDg published by the University of Cambridge I have a clearer idea of ​​how the simple present and present continuous forms observed in English that is totally different from what we are used to our Spanish language; this is how to conjugate the present continuous to express actions according to what is happening in the now.

  113. My name is Gladys Castillo Castellanos A. C. I. V No. 17207381, once I have observed and analyzed the video could see that the present simple and present continuous presents the actions of what is happening in the now; but it is important to remember that we can not conjugate verbs in present continuous are like, want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, think, remember belong fit contain consist seem and. The video is a simple, interactive way to learn about the grammar of English.

  114. Good evening, Professor. My name is Marisol Niño CI: 19056788. The video is about the present simple and the present continuous. The Simple Present tense is used to describe habitual actions that happen frequently and makes no reference to whether it is happening at present. Example: you are eating
    It is one of several times used for this in English, the other being the present continuous, having progressive aspect. Frequency adverbs are used with simple always present when you want to give a sense of timing to the actions that are performed. Adverbs of frequency :
    Always , Usually, Often ,Sometimes , Rarely, Never
    Verbs can not combine continuously present are: like, want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, think, remember belong fit contain and consist mind.

  115. Good morning teacher he had earlier Scytho the page but I was informed that there appeared, not really sure if the procedure did wrong so try again my name is Pedro Suarez Becerra CI V 10804624

  116. As for the video I got to know that in English the simple present is used to refer to actions that took place at a particular time in the past; while past continuous is used to talk about an action is not completed in the past or a point to talk about two things, emphasizing that one is longer than the other which interrupts the previous action.
    Suárez Pedro Becerra
    CI V 10804624

  117. My name: LADY ROJAS, C. I. V-11162140. ENGLISH I
    Professor Freddy Varela, I present my summary of the content of the video you mentioned.
    The video is recommended English grammar in use, is of short videos to help improve the use of English, the exponent Ana explains the different ways we use the present continuous and present simple.
    Ana says that continuing this appeal also used progressive actions beginning but have not completed, eg:
    'They are eating. - It's raining.
    Verbs not normally used as: want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, believe, belong, these verbs can be used in the present continuous and present simple example:
    - I think maria is Canadian.
    - What do you think of my plan.
    Verbs: see, hear, smell and taste, are normally used in the simple present and not in the present continuous, eg:
    - This room smells.
    - This room is smelling.
    Verbs: look, feeling, can be used for continuous presene and present simple, since you can say as someone sees or feels something, example;
    - You look well today. You are looking well today.
    - How do you feel now. How are you feeling now.

  118. Hello teacher, I am again Lady Rojas, C. I. 11,162,140, English I, right now I realized that the comment about the video send it correctly on the blog, but instead when I made the comment of my presentation answered within a comment of a colleague, it affects me you something about the matter, is that I've noticed that you've met lots of fellow I would like to confirm me mine please and thank you have a nice day

  119. Hi.Lady; yes, I've received your commentaries...

  120. hello teacher
    my bounding in the video, is the difference between the present simple and the present continuous, and that the present continuous tense is to express actions, while the simple present tense is to describe the actions that occur frequency.

  121. Good afternoon professor, I´m Emilse Torres, in the first of the shift on Saturdays of UNIOJEDA, my opinion on the basis of the assigned activity is as follows: the video shows us the way in which we must use the present continuous tense or present progressive, which is used to express actions or situations that happen in the moment in which one is maintaining a conversation, although sometimes it can also be used for actions that are going to happen in the near future, but only when you have a reference of time; in addition we demonstrates the correct way to use a series of verbs in the present progressive continued, making questions or statements, with Clear examples in each exacerbating.

  122. Good afternoon Professor video talks about present simple and the present continuous, where the actions that occur in this as well as actions that occur at all times and that does not refer to the case at present are discussed. Thus, it shows several examples of this. Xiomara Elizabeth Useche Isidro C.I 10,174,961

  123. ok thank you very much teacher today and I will review what I'll do is get

  124. Good morning teacher, my name is Jonathan Omaña CI: 19.359684.
    This video shows the proper use that we must have at the time of writing and pronouncing the present simple and continuous.
    Watching the video I could determine that the simple present is used when we want to express actions or events occurring in present as: "It is raining". And we use the present continuous when we express an action that is happening at the moment it is spoken, such as: "Ana is thinking of giving up her job." He also notes that we can not conjugate verbs in present continuous some among them are: want, need, prefer, you know, I suppose, mean, understand, think, remember belong fit. And it teaches that you can use the same verb in present simple and present continuous for example: You look well today, You are looking well today.

  125. Hello teacher! How is it going? My name is Yessica Perez, V. C.I 15,988,611. Regarding the video shows that Ana gives us an explanation of the continuous or present progressive and present simple. The Present Continuous is used for actions or events that started but did not finish, for example, like, assume, believe, remember: they are, plus some verbs are not normally used in the present continuous, between these eating. Also the way we say phrases; I'm hungry, I eat something I'm wanting to say something to eat. Also think how verbs can be used with the simple present and present continuous with, but the meaning of the verb is what makes the difference

  126. Good morning teacher, just a question until when there is a chance to deliver the video commentary???

  127. My name Daniela Morales, C. I. V-20.424.982.


    -- short videos from Cambridge University Press to help you improve your English.

    My name is Anna -- and today I'm going to be looking at some of the different ways we use the present continuous and the present simple.

    Used for actions and happening that have started but not finished.

    examples, 'They are eating,' 'It is raining,'

    some verbs, such as KNOW (saber-conocer) and LIKE are used in this way:
    I KNOW and I LIKE.
    some verbs not used in the present continuous: like,(gustar) want,(querer) need,(necesitar) prefer,(preferir) know,(saber-conocer) realise,(realizar)
    suppose,(suponer) mean,(significar) understand, (entender)believe, (creer) remember,(recordar) belong,(pertenecer a) fit,(adaptar-encjar-caber) contain, (contener) seem.(parecer)

    examples: I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
    Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment.

    The verb THINK (pensar-imaginar-creer) can be used with the present continuous or the present simple, but it's the meaning of think that makes the difference.

    example, when THINK means BELIEVE (creer) or HAVE AN OPINION,(tener una opinión) not use the continuous. (no se utiliza en el continuo)

    - I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure
    - 'What do you think of my plan?'
    which means,'What is your opinion?'( Significa cuál es tu opinión)

    But, when THINK means CONSIDER,(Considerar), the continuous is possible.
    Anna is thinking of giving up her job.
    which means she's considering it.(lo que significa que lo está considerando)

    For the verbs SEE (ver) HEAR, (oir) SMELL(oler-heder) and TASTE(probar-gustar-catar)
    use the present simple and not the present continuous.
    'This room smells. Let's open a window.-don't say This room is smelling.

    often use CAN (poder) with SEE(ver) 'HEAR, (oir) SMELL(oler-heder)
    and TASTE.(probar-gustar-catar)

    - I can hear a strange noise.
    - Can you hear it?'

    For the verbs LOOK (ver-buscar-mirar-observar)and FEEL(sentir) you can use the present simple or the present continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now.

    - You look well today. (te ves bien hoy)
    - You are looking well today.(te estás viendo bien hoy)

    How do you feel now? (¿cómo te sientes ahora?
    - How are you feeling now?' (¿cómo te estas sintiendo ahora?)

    But, if you're talking about things that happen repeatedly, use the present
    - I usually feel tired in the morning.- don't say, - I'm usually feeling tired in the morning.

    Anna says, That's all for today. Now it's over to you. Practise using the present continuous , Bye for now.

  128. Hi teacher, my name is Rossana Vivas C.I V-20122492


    the different ways we use the present continuous and the present simple.
    Used for actions and happening that have started but not finished.for the present continuous or progressive.
    For examples
    1. They are eating,
    2. It is raining

    some verbs, such as KNOW and LIKE are used in this way:

    1. I KNOW
    2. I LIKE
    Some verbs not used in the present continuous


    1. I'm hungry. I want something to eat.
    2. Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment.

    Too the verb THINK can be used with the present continuous or the present simple, but it's the meaning of think that makes the difference
    example, when THINK means BELIEVE or HAVE AN OPINION not use the continuous
    1. I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure
    2. What do you think of my plan? which means, What is your opinion?

    But, when THINK means CONSIDER, the continuous is possible.
    1. Anna is thinking of giving up her job.
    which means she's considering it

    With the verbs SEE, HEAR, SMELL and TASTE use the present simple and not the present continuous.

    This room smells. Let's open a window. But don't say This room is smelling.
    Also often use CAN with SEE, HEAR, SMELL and TASTE.
    1. I can hear a strange noise.
    2. Can you hear it?'
    With the verbs LOOK and FEEL can use the present simple or the present continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now.
    1. You look well today ( present simple )
    2. You are looking well today (present continuous)
    Como se ve

    1. How do you feel now? ( present simple )
    2. How are you feeling now? (present continuous)
    Como se siente
    But, if you're talking about things that happen repeatedly, use the present simple.
    1. I usually feel tired in the morning.

  129. Goodnight teacher my name is leidy Ramirez ci: 16981997 and my opinion on the video is: The video shows examples in simple and continuous present in some examples, often their difference is not possible, teaches us how to pronounce and know adequately express when we speak of the present simple we mean a verb tense used to describe habitual actions that happen frequently and makes no reference to whether it is happening in the present and the present continuous is used to express actions that occur in the same time they are talking, for example: I'm speaking English.

  130. hi Teacher, My name is jenny ayala C.I V- 18.090.772good would that individual activities are performed,and Working with research examples of each! Thank you!!

  131. Good morning teacher, my name is jenny ayala
    CI: 18.090.772This video shows the proper use that we must have at the time of writing and pronouncing the present simple and continuous.
    Watching the video I could determine that the simple present is used when we want to express actions or events occurring in present as: "It is raining". And we use the present continuous when we express an action that is happening at the moment it is spoken, such as: "Ana is thinking of giving up her job." He also notes that we can not conjugate verbs in present continuous some among them are: want, need, prefer, you know, I suppose, mean, understand, think, remember belong fit. And it teaches that you can use the same verb in present simple and present continuous for example: You look well today, You are looking well today

    Verbs: see, hear, smell and taste, are normally used in the simple present and not in the present continuous, eg:
    - This room smells.
    - This room is smelling.
    Verbs: look, feeling, can be used for continuous presene and present simple, since you can say as someone sees or feels something, example;
    - You look well today. You are looking well today.
    - How do you feel now. How are you feeling now.

  132. Good night teacher, the video is about of the application of present continuous and present simple.
    when you used the present continuous also called the progresive for action and happening that have started but not finished, lest is look at some verbs that are not normally used in the presente continuous like, want, meed, prefer, krow, realise suppose mean. understand believe remember, belong fit contain consist and seem.
    For the verbs look and feel you can use the present simple or the present continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now.
    Gerson Nieto
    C.I: 12974490
    management and marketing english I.

  133. Hi, everyone!! I hope you've had a great weekend; well, as third activity you are going to tell me what do you think about both Your Daily Study Routines and Adverbs of Frequency ... Blessings!!

    1. Good afternoon teacher, frequency adverbs are those that allow us to express our daily routine, we provide the tools to describe our daily habits, among the most used adverbs are: always, never, often, once a day, among others. my day revolves around my family, my work at the UNET as administrator and my studies in UNIOJEDA, hoping to fulfill all the duties assigned comply as far as possible and in the time required, too often I spend my nights and days to meet my distance activities with English subject. adverbs of frequency part of the evaluation of this meteria give me a tool to significantly improve the use of language.

      Francisco Javier Gamez
      C. I. 12972136

  134. good morning teacher. I'm studying English with you you i. my name is haydde quintero haydee.quinttero01@gmail.com civ-15242490. what are the steps to get to see the video that my colleagues tell me there is to see.

  135. good afternoon my name is Professor yuly borrero CIV- 16,122,001. Please yulyadriana23@gmail.com would catch up with English i. what should I do?

  136. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  137. good morning teacher here is the first evaluation, excuse the delay .. happy day

    Anna in this video explains the differents way how to use present continuos and present simple sentences, even she shows the people how to use them right saying what to do and what not. apart of it, she explains clearly in words list the forms specifing and preparing sentences way deppending the context used.
    beside this she invites people to improve grammar watching
    videos tham cambridge others, to those people in the second language learning process on web. I liked it because I lhink that is the best way to learn english

  138. ANDREA PAOLA DUQUE DURAN C.I: 17.502.404

  139. Good morning teacher.
    In response to the third activity you can comment that my daily routine now is related to the management of my family, my job responsibilities in Pasteurizadora Tachira ca in the area of sales and my academic activities, as we are in the home stretch, that do you have to plan well so that it can fulfill all my responsibilities, first as a parent, then as an employee and a student.
    As for adverbs of frequency we can say that are commonly used with the present simple, since we know that this is used to habits and customs, therefore adverbs of frequency will tell us how often we take these actions, the most used and common are: always, never, often, once a day, every day, from time to time, usually.

    Waiting for your comments ........

    C.I 10.740.838

  140. Hi good afternoon my name is Professor Yursey Jaimes my writ 19360232 my email is mi_ninita17@hotmail.com.
    This video mentions the present simple terms which generally use the present simple to talk about common situations and the Present Continuous for actions that are being carried out at the time, but there are times when this differentiation is not possible.
    The continuous or present progressive is formed with the present auxiliary 'to be' and the present participle of the verb you want to conjugate:
    I am playing
    you are playing
    I is playing
    we are playing
    you are playing
    They are playing I'm playing
    you are playing
    he is playing
    we are playing
    you are playing
    they are playing
    I am reading a book /'m reading a book
    helen is phoning a friend / helen is phoning a friend
    The present simple is used to talk about things that happen regularly or in general

    James german studies at university.
    -my parents live in the south
    Jane works in italy every summer.
    -my friends have a car.
    -water boils at 100 degrees celsius.
    -Sharks Are dangerous animals

    It's what I understood from the same conjugation she mentions in different cases, and mentions a lot of verbs can be conjugated in the same thank you very much and happy evening.

  141. hello teache my name is nataly barrera c.i. 16541552, email nataly45404@gmail.com
